On June 24th from 12 to 2 pm The Satellite Santa Cruz will be hosting a FREE lunch and learn with You Can Choose.

“What gets in the way of getting what you want? It’s you! How can you learn to get out of your own way? Learn to use your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings to get what you want.
We will discuss the power of our thinking, and work through practical exercises that can help each of us grow into who we know we can be.
Are you looking for a group of people interested in learning how to create your best life?
We are two successful Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who have seen some very challenging times (www.YouCanChoose.Info). We want to meet other individuals who are interested in understanding more about how our thoughts, beliefs, and feelings influence our wellbeing, relationships, and wealth.
We are building a community of people who want to work together to understand how our thinking impacts every day living and how we can learn from each others’ experiences and harness the community knowledge for everyone’s benefit.
We will bring the material from many resources together and incorporate them into practical tools that are relevant to the world we live in today. We use concepts based on material from Law of Attraction, The Secret, Abraham Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Science of Getting Rich, and others.
Join us as we refine and use helpful tools to navigate life’s challenges and apply them to create the life we want to live. All members will be encouraged to participate in both individual and group exercises.
The purpose of this meet up is to increase our self-awareness, strengthen our self-image and contribute to the reality creation community.”
To register, click here.